
What New Homeowners Should Do Within the First Year of Moving In

Aug 13, 2020


What New Homeowners Should Do Within the First Year of Moving In
Moving home can be exciting, daunting, and nerve-wracking. When you’re finally in your home, you may be tempted to think that the hard part is over. However, as a homeowner, you may have a long list of things you should do to protect both your property and wallet. The first year in your new home will require you to do some tasks you may not have thought of before. Tasks New Homeowners Should Do   Test fire alarms – Test all alarms, replace the batteries, and install new alarms so that one is on each level of the house. Don’t rely on the previous owner to have to completed this before they moved out. Wrap exposed water pipes with insulation – Exposed hot water pipes lose heat as they move water from your heater to your faucet or shower. Wrapping them in sufficient insulation can make a big difference in the quality of your shower and your utility bill. Replace air filters – When you first move in, you should replace the air handling filter or the filter on your furnace or AC unit. Luckily, this is a quick and easy task to do! Develop a home maintenance checklist – Create a list of all the home maintenance tasks you’d like to do on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Make it a habit to run through the items on this list every so often. Review your home insurance – Your home insurance is there to protect your new investment. Do you have enough? Review your coverage with a qualified advisor who can help you secure the right amount. To find home insurance that suits your needs and budget, visit the team at C.V. Mason Insurance Agency. Our home insurance policies work to protect residents in Bristol and neighboring cities in Connecticut. Give our experts a call for more information.